Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tired and Distracted

So believe it or not I actually managed to talk to some females. The girls in question where about a 10110100. I was one who was approached. The advantage of cosplaying at an anime convention. Girls get super excited when they see guys doing their favorite characters. I am cosplaying as Dr. Stein, for those who care. Anyway, her opener was OMG STEIN CAN I HAVE A HUG!!!!. So I got a hug and then a picture. Then she tried to continue the conversation about cosplaying. We shared very basic talk, mostly yes no and nodding. At the time I had been separated from my group. So I was looking around for them. Around that time my social anxiety kicked in as well, because they were pretty cute. So I was looking for a way out so I could go find them. In the end she said she wanted to get a better picture of me with her camera, not on her at the time. We went our separate ways. The fact that I had been up for about 15 hours... and walking around the con all day.

The lesson I learned was I am still to anxious around girls. Girls at the cons are really trying as well... at least I think they are. I had another girl talk to me in line last year, while waiting in line. Once again, I was sleep deprived and it was early. Both really tried to keep the conversation going... and well anxiety and exhaustion.... keeps me from getting anywhere.

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