Sunday, July 10, 2011

The First Post

My main goal with this journal is to record what I see as I walk down a path I never thought I would walk down. The path to becoming a PUA, ladies man, player, whatever. I felt I needed to make this journal now. I say now, because I need to at least have a start. My plans are to start going downtown to bars in August. I might go more than once a week. However, right now the minimum is once a week. I need to get a little practice before NDK. NDK is just the start for me though. To be honest I am hoping that come NDK 2012... if I am still in this state...I can start looking for a more serious relationship.  I stress the word hope.  I have no idea if I will accomplish this goal or not.  We shall see what I want in a year.  Maybe I will just be making notches on my wall right?

Since I feel the need to waste more blog space.  Let me talk about some of my metaphors.  I borrow a lot from Japanese metaphors, I am an otaku after all.  Generally the Japanese use the term "Burning" to describe someone who is passionate.  While I do not believe my metaphor is 100% correct.  I choose my current name of A Froze Soul, as sort of a play on their metaphor.  I lack passion and a zest for life.  The whole point of this quest to change is to give me or of a passion and zest for life.  So right now I am frozen, cold, lifeless.  I admit it, I am not ashamed to admit it either.  The first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem right?  That is where my naming comes from.

Hopefully this journal will give me the ability to indulge a habit of mine, the habit to over analyze.  I will likely come up with some obnoxious system for labeling things... anyway.  Now this journal is here.  I have no excuses to not start trying come August.