Wednesday, September 14, 2011


So recently I have been having random encounters with females... I guess that is why I keep on forgetting to make field reports.

Anyway at my convention I had one more short encounter with a couple of girls during the rave. I say short because I had a hard time making out exactly what they said because we were in the rave. I could tell they were practically screaming based on the motions of their mouths. There was not much that we talked about aside from me giving them hugs. >_> I have a feeling they were talking about my character a bit... but I could not make things out as the trance music drowned them out because they stepped back a little. I had difficulty hearing when I was not in the room with the rave going on.

My second conversation came on Monday. I was waiting for a table at Buffalo Wild Wings. When a girl from Florida came out to smoke. I was still kind of out of it because of my anime convention. However, she started talking to me. Mostly she was talking about the contrasts between my state and her home state. Those are things I try not to comment on. It is hard to know when I am going to offend someone or not. Again I kind of wussed out because I could have talked about my experience with just wanting to travel... but I didn't... I mean she was not that attractive... then again I guess I need the practice with my social skills.

At my convention I thought about approaching some girls. However, I had a hard time figuring out how to make it look spontaneous since they were on the other side of the room, and there were not many people in the Bar. This was during the rave. So my opener would have been something along the lines of "So you 3 look like ravers. Care to explain raver fashion to me?" or "I am trying to figure out why ravers dress they way you guys do". However, like I said I could not find a way to get over to them. Plus my friends were being kind of whiny....

Anyway, that is all for now. This weekend my sister claims she wants to go bar hopping with me... but... I have my doubts.

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